New Start. Masterpieces by twenty-five pioneering artists

Artists: ÁMOS Imre, BUKTA Imre, CSÁKY József, CSONTVÁRY KOSZTKA Tivadar, Damien HIRST, Gerhard RICHTER, GULÁCSY Lajos, HANTAÏ Simon, Hermann NITSCH, Joseph BEUYS,…

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Becoming. The force of existence

Old Masters: Albrecht DÜRER, Jean MIGNON, Pier Francesco MOLA, Frederik de MOUCHERON, Rembrandt Harmenszoon VAN RIJN Contemporary artists: Philip-Lorca DiCORCIA (US), iSKI…

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Across the ages. A selection from the MBH Bank Collection and works by contemporary artists

The exhibition Across the ages. A selection from the MBH Bank Collection and works by contemporary artists associates works by such famous…

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