Art education – Creative workshop

Just like the great artists!

Welcome to the creative workshop! Whoever enters here will feel like an artist! You will find an inspiring environment and professional tools to create.

You can learn a lot by developing an artistic vision, as well as improving technical solutions. We’ll help you to become a true artist yourself!

The sessions are not performance-oriented and do not set any expectations. The most important thing is that everyone can create freely and experience the joy of it!


One of the key goals of our art centre is to develop artistic vision from an early age. From toddlers to preschoolers and school-age children, we offer everyday activities for all ages.

Creating is fun! – for babies

In our session for the youngest children, we get in the mood for creating through stories and tales. The varied use of materials in combination with different activities - such as tearing, kneading, pressing - is a trigger for positive processes that affect the child's overall development. It encourages, liberates, activates the kids, and also strengthens the mother-child bond.

for 1,5-4 years olds

40 minutes

Creating is fun! – for kindergarten children

Activities for kindergarten children are based on the curiosities of the animal world. So, in addition to the creative experience, children can get to know the biggest, weirdest-looking, most exciting animals that have ever lived. All the while, we paint, cut, scratch, build, pattern, playfully learn about materials and tools, and experience the joy of free creation together. almasabb tulajdonságokkal bíró állatokkal. Mindeközben festünk, vágunk, karcolunk, építünk, mintázunk, játékosan ismerkedünk az anyagokkal, eszközökkel és együtt megtapasztaljuk a szabad alkotás örömét.

for 4-6 years olds

60 minutes


It’s never too late to discover creativity and develop an artistic vision, you can start at any age. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced artist, we offer courses and workshops for you. We are also expanding our range of programmes to include art university preparatory courses.

HAB Cocoa Family Day

After visiting the current exhibition and taking a family guided tour, we invite those interested to co-create artworks related to the exhibition in our creative workshop. The artistic thinking associated with contemporary work helps visual understanding, activates bold experimentation and free creation, promotes self-expression and boosts self-confidence.

2 hours

Creating is fun! – course for beginners adults

Our adult courses are designed for those who want to awaken and develop their creativity through different artistic techniques. Focused creative activity takes you out of your daily routine, recharges and enriches you. Colours and shapes are a reflection of our own inner world - abstractions that we help you explore with inspiring materials and ideas.

15-99 years

2 hours


Our art centre welcomes all schools and groups to visit our exhibitions and take part in our creative activities. We can accommodate larger groups (from 10 to 30 people), mainly during school term, on weekdays. Please contact our staff for further arrangements.

Creating is fun! – for schoolchildren

Our programme for schoolchildren is based on special natural phenomena. Children will encounter Patagonian marble caves, fluorescent beaches and "carnivorous" plants. We’ll find out why a cactus has a thorn or how a geode is formed. We’ll build desert roses, paint aurora borealis, splash interstellar mist. We'll experiment with paper, clay, plaster, wood - looking for unique solutions and independent ideas.

7-11 years

1,5 hours

Museum education activities for schoolchildren

We welcome applications from school groups to visit the current exhibition and take part in an exciting creative challenge in the house’s workshop.

7-13 years

2 hours

Other school programmes

Our art centre offers pre-planned art programmes for schoolchildren, but we also plan art sessions for calendar-related events (World Water Day, World Astronautics Day, Earth Day) or by prior arrangement on a theme of your choice.

7-13 years

1,5 hours

HAB Birthday

Our art centre welcomes those who want to have a special birthday. A party with an exciting creative challenge, a beautiful location, cake and best friends. On request, we will be happy to adapt the theme of the creative exercise to the interests of the celebrant - after prior consultation.

7-12 years

2,5 hours

Team buildings

Team building aim to improve harmony between members of the community, to bring them closer together and to help them understand their common tasks. Art team building also develop creativity and a sense of aesthetic beauty.

Corporate team building

We welcome companies to our team building programmes. Creative collaboration and play are at the heart of the activity. Tasks to be solved together help to build cooperation and strengthen the community. The session can be combined with a pleasant wine tasting/lunch or guided tour.

2-3 hours